invest in love_vida matchmaking

Is your love stock up or down? In the date market are you a hot commodity? Let’s face it all the love investors are look for the right date and the possible return of love. Of course the online dating world is for novices just like at home amateur traders. If you really want good investment advice you talk the right people. When it comes to exclusive matchmaking you need to talk to VIDA. They have their fingers on the heartbeat of the date market and are passionate about mergers and acquisitions. Love and the perfect date is their field of expertise. The markets are starting to show signs of improvement, and who doesn’t want to see green shoots in their quest for love plan? Why be successful and hold all the right stock except the personal relationship ones which glue it all together? Everyone who is eligible is crowding into the same bars and online dating forums as everyone else, jostling for position and hoping to make a deal. What is success and material comfort if you don’t have someone amazing to share it with?  If want some efficiency in your objective of achieving a terrific date and potentially true love, then invest! Invest in exclusive matchmaking where an intelligent and thought out approach is aimed at finding you the person who fits into your life and gets you. Narrowing down the options is the smart thing to do, and all good business people know that making new connections and networking is a key strategy to success.

The VIDA team focus exclusive attention on you to seek out all the right market opportunities that will seal the love deal.  The VIDA team will thoroughly discuss with you what the non-negotiables and intentions are from the outset so you don’t have to waste time on a date that clearly isn’t a good match from the start. Just like the stock market, when it comes to investing in love you need to know when to get in and when to get out. The VIDA team help to expertly negotiate this minefield, so all parties know what works and what doesn’t so you can move on to a date that ends with an investment in love.  If your date is blue chip then you’ll likely be in it for the long haul. Smart people invest in exclusive matchmaking, it’s all about futures. 

By Martin Turner

Martin Turner 2

Martin Turner has had a 25 year global career in events which resulted in the book Travel Secrets in 2010 and a new career in journalism and lecturing. A recent graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Art, he has won his way into the heart of the VIDA team while zooming about the planet on new assignments and escapades.