When we date online or via the apps, it can be harder to spot the nuances of why a connection did or didn’t work. We might feel that when a match falters, for whatever reason, we simply have to move on to the next one, without reflecting on whether there was actually some potential there.
This success story from my client, Ross, and his match, Daniela, shows the importance of timing in dating, and the value of working with a matchmaker to keep the process on track, reflective and meaningful.
Member Backgrounds
I would venture to call Ross the ‘archetypal’ Maclynn member; international, charismatic, incredibly accomplished in every aspect of his life. When we first started working together, he was in his 30s and had lived all over the world, but at that point split much of his time between London and Singapore.
He was great fun to be around, had a really creative side to him, and was full of life and energy. I had a good feeling that I could find someone truly incredible to match him with.
I had met Daniela initially before I started working with Ross. Originally from Venezuela, she was also in her 30s and had been in the UK for around 3 years when we first connected at a networking event in the city.
Warm, engaging, and easy to talk to, Daniela came across as a genuinely lovely individual. She was clearly full of life and driven, but also didn’t take life too seriously. When I started working with Ross, she was one of the first people to come to mind to introduce him to.
Ross’ Dating Challenges and Obstacles
Previous relationships had never quite fit the bill for Ross. In some cases, there was deep compatibility but not chemistry. In others, he simply knew it wasn’t a match in the long run. Despite being active on dating apps for the past few years, he didn’t have much luck and felt, like many, that they had ‘never been good to him.’
This led him to reach out to Maclynn, seeking out a tailored, results-driven approach to meeting his next match.

Relationship Goals
When Ross approached us at Maclynn, his ambition was to find a long-term, committed relationship. His ultimate goal was to meet someone he could eventually settle down, marry and have children with; he knew he wanted a family in the future.
Compatible relationship goals are one of the first signs that a match could have potential. Daniela had similar goals to Ross; to meet someone she could begin family life with in the future. With strong family values, this was a priority for her in her next relationship.
It’s here that a matchmaker’s value really comes through. These conversations can often be tricky (though necessary) to navigate and sometimes even disappointing. A matchmaker vets every match for you from the outset to make sure your ambitions align before you even meet.
The Matchmaking Process
At Maclynn, we take a psychology-led, values-based approach to matchmaking. This is the basis from which Ross and Daniela’s match was able to grow.
When Ross and I began working together, I spent a few hours really getting to know him and what he was looking for in a partner during our Compatibility Profiling session. We explored his values in more depth, solidifying what was important to him and how that manifested in his life.
We also took into account his goals and how he visualised his next relationship. This type of work is vital to give potential relationships the best chance of working out in the long term.
Having met Daniela previously, she immediately came to mind after this session with Ross. There was simply so much alignment with what Ross was looking for in a partner and a relationship; I spoke about her with him and they agreed to meet for a date.

Meeting Their Match: The First Date
Ross and Daniela’s first date lasted for 6 hours! They initially met for drinks, which progressed into dinner. During this time, they really got to know each other and opened up.
The next day, I had messages from both with glowing feedback about the other, and they were both open to meeting again.
Their first date turned into a second date, a quick drink in Paddington, which quickly became a third and a fourth. They continued to get to know each other and started to break down their walls a little and become more vulnerable.
Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
One of the main challenges for Ross and Daniela was that their connection progressed quite rapidly. Almost from the word go, they openly embraced their romantic potential. This, however, caused Ross to feel concerned that he was slipping into some old patterns. He initially decided to end the relationship 7 or 8 dates in.
We spoke about this together to work through it. After pausing his membership for a little while as he was travelling, I spoke with Ross again a few months later and was pleased to hear he and Daniela had started to see each other again, even spending some time together in Thailand.
Everything fell back into place. They moved in together and never looked back!

The Present Day: Where Are They Now?
After re-igniting their connection and moving in together, I heard from Ross and Daniela in early 2024 to learn that they had got engaged in the Philippines!
Matchmaker Learnings
As I worked with Ross, I truly noticed a shift in his mindset throughout the matchmaking journey. He became more in tune with himself and what he was really looking for in a relationship, moving away from the, perhaps, more superficial aspects he focused on at the beginning.
He was open to learning and took all of our feedback and advice on board. Ross showed me just how important this open-mindedness to learning is, as well as taking the time to really reflect on who you are as a person, to shift how we view our dating journey.
Ross and Daniela’s Success Story: My Takeaways
After reflecting on this engagement story, the main insight I ’ve gained as a matchmaker is just how important timing is. It can be the right person, with so much compatibility and alignment, but if the timing isn’t right then there will be blocks and barriers. These will often prevent the relationship from working.
Timing was so critical for this match, and Ross really summed it up when he said: ‘Daniela came along at exactly the right time.’
Mindset is similar. A client’s mindset is absolutely fundamental to the matchmaking process. If they’re not open-minded to meeting individuals and willing to put in the time and effort to really get to know matches, then it will often hinder them from establishing a successful relationship.

Client Testimonial
Hearing from our clients about how their match has shaped their lives is always heartwarming. As well as keeping me updated on their relationship and engagement, Ross got in touch with me to say:
"We are both so grateful to you for bringing us together. I remember how you spoke about her the first time - we will never forget you! Thank you a million."
— Ross
Seeking Your Own Success Story?
At Maclynn, we focus on helping people find relationships built on genuine compatibility and shared values. Ross and Daniela’s engagement highlights how our personalised, psychology-driven approach can lead to genuinely meaningful, lasting, and life-changing connections.
By understanding our members’ needs and goals, we create introductions that aren’t just about meeting someone, but about finding the right partner for a fulfilling future together. To learn more about our approach, and whether we’d be a right fit for your dating journey, enquire with our team today.