Physical attraction is something that can hit quickly, the spark as we call it, but mental connection is something deeper. Virtual dating in 2020 means we are lucky that we can see each other on a screen. Instantaneous, live, visual but left longing for the human touch. It’s important to put some spark into dating and engage imagination. You’ll be surprised how energising and uplifting trying something new and different can put some va va voom into the zoom room.
Plan your next online date to start with mindfulness practice together. If you have never tried it before, now is the time to experiment. Catalyst 14 have a number of online practices that are free to access. Decide which one and begin your next date connection with one of these practices together. It will centre you and your breath. Check in with each other once the practice is done and share your experience. It’s a beautiful way to recalibrate any fearful or negative thoughts and leave you serene, ready and open to listen to one another.
Love poems
Anyone who has watched the movie Sex and the City, will remember “Ever Thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours” written to his Immortal Beloved by Ludwig van Beethoven. Not everyone is a writer, but if each of you can research love poems and find one that rings true, you will be reading about love and thinking about your date before it arrives. Plan to meet and share one or two of your personal favourites that you think says something about how you feel, or that is just simple, light and touching. Saying those words to each other will lift your spirits, and elicit the love cocktail and chemical release of dopamine. Sharing the words of great poets knowing that they are directed to your date will make the heart flutter with love.
Artfully in love
Get on to Amazon and order a small starter kit of paint, canvas and brushes and get online to challenge each other to paint anything in any colour that speaks love. Set a time, pour a glass of your favourite tipple, and have some fun by showing up online, looking like an artist and off you go! You can talk and laugh while you work on your masterpieces, but set a time frame of 30 – 60 minutes. When all is done, do the big reveal for each other, name your picture, describe how it depicts love. Vow to gift your works to each other when you next meet.
Let’s Get Physical
If you’re in London and want to give a dance class a whirl, use your imagination on the outfits but get ready to start class with Fleur’s Dance Online. You’ll find her on Instagram @fleurmurraydance.
Usually packing in beginner to advanced students at London’s famous Pineapple Studios, you’ll love the vibe and the music. All classes start with a brilliant warm up routine, which is great for body stretch and mobility for women and men. No one can see you, so you can both have a laugh and keep your bodies limber.
Core Collective is one of the hottest under the wire gyms in London with a who’s who clientele in Kensington, Knightsbridge and St John’s Wood. Think California, but in London. They are doing approximately 18 classes a week on Instagram live and free of charge. Sculpt and train, power yoga and Pilates as well as cycle if you have a bike at home. Tune in together, sweat it out, and chat over a home-made smoothie or juice following as if you’re at the gym. Physical activity is a great dating activity that will leave both of you feeling great. Namaste NY is a great place for New Yorkers to tune in for group or 1:1, which could also be a 2:1 for a date with your own personal trainer for the two of you. Daily Burn are offering a 30-day free trial online with all sorts of classes you can attend together. If you want something a little more hardcore because you’re both pretty fit, then get set for Bootcamp online too.
Beauty Bar
Finally, there’s the gentler approach, which involves an online purchase or dropping into CVS or Superdrug on your once a week shopping trip and picking up moisturising face packs and nourishing foot socks. The plan is to be on a screen and to show up for your date with face pack in place and cocktail in hand. Guaranteed to leave your skin refreshed, your feet soft, and probably laughing. Do it, I know it sounds crazy, but now is the time to have fun with your online dating, with no inhibitions or reservations.
Get in touch today if you are looking for any further tips or advice on all things love and dating!