Camper van summer dating relationships

Summer lovin can be as intoxicating as five porn star martinis. There’s something about the carefree nature of long days, sunshine, the sound of the sea, the splash of a lake, dining al fresco that can easily go to your head. So how do you let go and let love in and at the same time keep a check on the head vs heart? First of all you want to shake off the restrictive bondage of corporate life and let yourself be as free and open as a summer sky. Bring things down a few gears, it’s no wonder we take a few days if not a week to unwind into a human being when we go on holiday. Just as tricky when meeting someone in the summer when both of you already have best laid plans secured in the calendar before you knew they existed. Best not to foist them immediately upon your clan even if you are in that bursting place of love rush and heady happiness.

So here are a few match maker do’s and don’ts to get you through your summer lovin so those summer dreams are not ripped at the seams and when it turns colder that’s where it ends.

DO’s and Don’ts

Do stick to your summer holiday plans, it bodes well for giving each other space, and not venturing into being a cling on.

Don’t shoe horn your new beau into every social occasion already booked in your calendar, or force your close friends to accept them as another person in the Villa.

Do when the time feels right, invite the object of your affection to group gatherings for drinks and BBQ’s it’s a more social way to introduce them without your friends feeling the pressure to embrace them in friendship at the first meeting.

If you’re a few weeks in and instinct tells you that this budding relationship may have legs, then do create an amazing seaside weekend close to home, where even if it’s lashing with rain it’s the best excuse to cosy up.

Do be imaginative about date nights that are simple like a picnic or cinema under the stars, or even a long walk in the balmy evening.

When separated while vacationing solo don’t forget to text each other about the day positively without neediness and a goodnight kiss.

Do talk about communication protocol for while you are on separate vacations. Having a mature adults up front conversation will avoid jealousy, resentment and insecurity.

Guys…don’t text your new Lady pictures of you performing alcohol infused feats or draped with local totty. Likewise Ladies, pictures of you with local hunks or friends who are exceptionally good looking doesn’t work well either. Don’t do it.

Do be conscious of what is going up on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter about your summer especially if you have “friended” each other.

Do be realistic. Not all summer flings last, they can be as fleeting as summer itself. If the romance is fading as fast as the tan, then it’s time the fling was flung and you move on.

Trust the match maker.