Love a figment of imagination

Photograph by © Lindsay

Have you ever been in love? Or is it so long since we really fell in love we can barely remember what it feels like? You will feel it again, it’s coming, and it’s just around the corner. It’s that next Maclynn introduction, its that chance encounter at a networking event (some would say fate!). And don’t for one minute assume that falling in love is just something women are obsessed about; men can be totally bonkers when it comes to love.

Love is like something that has washed over you and is permeating every nook of your entire being making you glow and swoon. The feeling is a sensation that has inspired books, poetry, and music for centuries. It may have been one of nature’s greatest gifts alongside the ability to physically express it with sex, the one way you can get closer to another human being without literally climbing inside their heart. Love is a drug basically, more accurately a chemical reaction, and who can hold a sensible conversation when they are under the influence?

The worst kind of love of course is when you have been smitten, and smitten in a way that you probably should be hospitalised. You wake thinking of this person, and you go to sleep thinking of them, it’s giddy, it’s intoxicating, it’s irrational, it’s so lush you want to wash about in it forever. But is the object of our affection returning our longing? Do they also look glazed over as if they are suffering from a severe bout of delirium ? No? Are they just being pleasant and lovely but we are clinging to every morsel of imagined interest or contact as if gasping for water crossing the Sahara? They may as well be a mirage really if they haven’t reached natural floppy arms stage at the same time as you.

You can do all you like to muster love with every ounce of your charm, wit and kindness, but if it isn’t there, it isn’t there. There is the possibility that things unfold just like the greatest love stories of all time; eventually the lover is conquered and finally sees you with their heart, in your truest, most vulnerable form.

Speaking of the heart, it doesn’t get along terribly well with the mind as they have a constant battle with each other. In the first stages of infatuation your mind may as well go and take a vacation. Love may be a figment of your imagination, ask your mind though not your heart. Much love X