It’s phenomenal how many erudite and undeniably brilliant professionals can so easily lose the plot when it comes to their own life.  We expend a great deal of our grey matter in making big business work with streamlined efficiency but often forget to invest in ourselves. If you’re reading this you may have decided to invest in your love life with the exclusive matchmaking company VIDA, but we encourage you to take some extra steps so that your personal time is free to embrace the date opportunities coming your way.

Organise your life

First approach your healthy lifestyle as you would a business. How efficient are you with your time and how much of it is spent on the organisation of your lifestyle when you could be concentrating on yourself? Many people have housekeepers, but are they also taking care of all the other details that need attending to? Is your free weekend suddenly sucked up in a list of errands? Time is the critical matter when it comes to achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle. So take a look at that errands and to do list you have and find out if in fact an excellent concierge service could be taking care of most of it.

Buy back time

We indulge in all kinds of retail therapy and other pleasures, but do we ever stop to think how much we could reduce the pressure of lack of time by having more things organised and done while we work? Buying back time means we can consistently exercise, take a walk, contemplate, linger over a coffee and the weekend papers, or do something on impulse. All leading towards that healthy lifestyle balance. Does our control mechanism kick in and we insist on having to manage the minutia of our lives when they could in fact be delegated?

Enjoy the fruits of your labour

The big question being; are we so used to filling our time with career and errands that it has become habit forming and an avoidance of what is really nagging us…..the lack of a life partner and true love? If that comment just stabbed you in your conscience then it’s time to get a grip and buy back some incredibly valuable personal space for yourself.  The benefits will be enormous especially in your own demeanour and health. Don’t you want to show up for a date looking healthy, happy and enjoying life rather than a person who looks harassed having recently removed their finger from an electric power point? Be smart. Buy the time to invest in what we all need to share our life, love.

By Martin Turner

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Martin Turner has had a 25 year global career in events which resulted in the book Travel Secrets in 2010 and a new career in journalism and lecturing. A recent graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Art, he has won his way into the heart of the VIDA team while zooming about the planet on new assignments and escapades.