You have got past the point of just texting and have finally agreed on a date, now comes the real conundrum, what to wear?

There have been countless articles and debates about the subject, from when does alluring become too sexy, smart too formal, casual too hobo chic? How does one strike the right balance and achieve “The Perfect Date Outfit”? Does such a thing even exist?

Consider your date location

First things first, where is your date taking place? This will of course influence your attire. Hiking in the hills will require a different outfit to martinis in midtown. Your outfit should be practical, you don’t want to put a dampener on a well-thought-out activity date by not being able to partake as your heels are too high or jeans too tight, so make sure you know what’s planned for the date and take it from there.

From the office to date night

We all want to put our best foot forward on a first date and showcase our very best selves but remember this is not a job interview so even if you are going straight from the office, remove your tie, swap that blazer for a leather jacket, adjust your outfit in a way that makes you feel comfortable and reflects your personality. You want to find that happy medium of nonchalance and “I just left the salon and blew my whole pay cheque on this outfit”!

Clothes that speak volumes

Clothes represent who we are, they are a visual extension of our personalities. Whether you are a fashionista whose looks are straight from the runway or you take a more relaxed approach to fashion and are happy picking your outfits from the aisles of TKMaxx, there is no wrong or right way to dress. That’s the beautiful thing about clothes, you can make a choice every day to go into the world expressing yourself as an individual or you can blend into the crowd, the choice is yours!

The most important components of your outfit should be confidence and authenticity, could you find a sexier duo! No one wants to feel like they are playing a role on a first date so you should be true to yourself. There is no need to dress it down, if you usually wear bold prints then wear bold prints on your date.

If you never wear heels, then don’t choose a first date to test drive those five inch sample sale heels that have been collecting dust on the top of your closet. I’m sure you would rather receive a compliment for an outfit that’s a true representation of you, than be told you look great in that borrowed dress that you’ve had to refuse dessert in, as you can barely breathe!

Wear something that sparks joy

Wear something that makes you feel great, an outfit that sparks joy when you put it on. Even if it’s just an accessory that makes you happy, a scarf, a brooch, a pair of shoes, that way you will exude confidence thus making you feel relaxed on your date. Go out, be yourself and in the words of Annie “you are never fully dressed without a smile “.

Confidence-boosting matchmaking with Maclynn

Our team of expert of matchmakers are on hand to make you feel your best when it is the lead-up to your first date, whether it be texting advice, picking the best location or what to wear, they’re always there! Speak to a member of the Maclynn Team today!