While everyone is being super careful to observe the recommendations about social distancing and trying to avoid the crowds dashing about outside, how can you safely inject some lovely romance into the mix? We’ve tapped the Maclynn team to deliver to you, some of our favourite deliveries on both sides of the pond, that you can use to surprise or add some pizazz to your next date while so many things and places are off limits or tricky to negotiate.


A picnic in a garden, on a rooftop, in the park, on the waterfront, is a beautiful way to convene. Think about the time of day, access to comfort stops, and work for the logistics of safely getting there and home. Without having to navigate the aisles of your local supermarket and then forgetting a vital ingredient, the best trick is to make your date extra romantic and extra special with a picnic from the ever stylish Petersham Nurseries, or go Downton Abbey classic British with a beautifully packed vision from Fortnum and Mason. They always weigh something so take your trip safely in Wheely, who have heightened cleaning measures in place, as well as being an ultra-executive way to travel.

Dinner at home if your date is in your safe bubble is great, and if not and you’re still online, arrange to have something sent as a surprise. We love the smoked crevettes and lobster from Cley Smokehouse, and if you’re feeling like some romantically extravagant lobster, crab and prawn tortelloni, then the Pasta Evangelists are heaven sent.  If you’ve got your own barbeque then check out Boca di Lupo’s unusual ideas of pre-prepared food for your grill including octopus and suckling pig. Delicious!

Add in a bottle or two of your favourite wine, champagne or summer rose by ordering from Jereboams via Deliveroo or a mixed selection case from St John’s who deliver across the whole of England. Or of course you could shake things up a little with cocktails from The Cocktail Man. All that’s needed now is an elegant bouquet or a posy of beautiful flowers to really crown the romance, don’t forget boys can be touched by flowers too. Paul Thomas will sort you out with just the right blooms.

New York

When it comes to dining, New York is the town for the best dining you can imagine. But who is delivering during lockdown that can serve up lashings of romance and is also delicious? Step out of uber eats and ramp up the dinner plans while ordering from 16 of the city’s finest establishments.

Alternatively call ahead and place your order for curb side pickup from one of the best of the upper east side The Mark.

You may also want to do the ultimate picnic, and how about having absolutely everything arranged for a romance laden date on Cherry Hill in Central Park. Everything is done for you including the picnic blanket, umbrella, you name it, not to mention a delectable feast. All the hassle of staging the perfect date is taken out of your hands leaving them free to show up with a posy of flowers from Julia Testa. They’ll even come and clean up when you’re done, what could be better? Have other plans and a different location in mind, but would like help with the food? Be in touch with the team at Perfect Picnic and they will make your wishes a reality.

If you’d like some assistance on your journey to love, take a moment to contact Maclynn (formerly Vida) and find out just how we can help you find your perfect match.