
Let’s face it, juggling a career whilst being an exemplary parent AND having a fulfilling personal life whereby we enjoy our hobbies, volunteer in the community and keep in shape by going to the gym three times a week is darn near impossible, unless your alter ego is that of the bionic woman! Yet women are repeatedly berating themselves for failing at this kind of balancing act.

Have you lost your passion for climbing the corporate ladder? Now that you are a mum, is that feeling of dread of having go back to your high level job descending upon you? Do you crave a career that brings flexibility, fun, joy and fulfilment into your life and the lives of others? Then read on…

Have you often toyed with the idea of setting up your own business but never quite taken the plunge? New data released by Startup Direct, shows that the number of women over the age of 30 starting their own businesses increased by a third in 2014. This trend is being driven largely by ‘Returners’; women who have taken a career break to have a family and are motivated to start their own business due to the challenges of trying to balance being a parent and working full-time with little flexibility. Perhaps now is the ideal time for you to join the inspirational ‘Returners club’ and embark on a new venture that could ultimately provide you with the flexibility and that all important work/family life balance.

Were you born to be a matchmaker?

Are you a social personality who seems to attract people because of your genuine interest in others, your warmth and sense of humour? Do your friends consider you to be the consummate networker? In the workplace and amongst friends do you have that inherent knack of tuning into what really makes people tick? Do you quietly observe people in your social circle who seem to end up always with the wrong person because they are following their aesthetic nose all the time? If some of this resonates with you, then a career in matchmaking could be right up your street!

Matchmaking is not only one of the fastest growing industries but also one of the best careers for flexible working. Psychologists, lawyers, bankers and coaches are just some professions that are drawn into professional matchmaking and the flexible working arrangements it allows. You get to be your own boss, choose your own hours and enjoy the fulfilment of helping singles find their happily ever after. I moved from a career in business psychology to professional matchmaking ten years ago. I have always been fascinated by people, which is why I studied psychology. In 2011, I set up Maclynn (formerly Vida), which was awarded Matchmaking Agency of the Year in the 2016 European Dating Awards. I have a baby boy and have the flexibility to work as and when I choose. Matchmaking is an ideal career for young mums who want to balance family time with slipping on a cocktail dress and networking in sophisticated circles to find matches for their clients.

As the industry has grown and progressed and found popularity through reality television, it is essential to ensure you are properly trained and accredited to add gravitas to your CV. The most respected bodies in the world of matchmaking is The Matchmaking Institute established in 2003 by Lisa Clampitt. It was founded with the intention of establishing a code of ethics and strict quality standards in the matchmaking industry. It strives to create a greater public and media awareness of the matchmaking industry. If a career in matchmaking is beginning to sound very appealing, you are in luck!

Train to be a Matchmaker in London – September 23-25, 2016.

The great news is that the Matchmaking Institute is offering the world’s only recognised accredited training programme in London from 23 – 25 September 2016. The Matchmaking Institute will give you everything you need to set up your matchmaking business, including how to market and sell your services, and how to keep attracting the clients that will keep getting you paid. The training will be delivered by Rachel MacLynn (Founder of international award winning agency, Maclynn Consultancy), Lisa Clampitt (Founder of MMI), Arlene Vasquez (CEO of MMI) and Genevieve Zawada (CEO of Elect Club).

On completion of the course, you will be a certified Matchmaker will be equipped with all the tools you need to launch your own matchmaking business. What could be more rewarding? For more information on embarking on a career in matchmaking and all you need to know about the training programme, please click here.