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“I want a man who is about 6”2, and has the body of a Men’s Health Fitness model, a brilliant sense of humour, rich, maybe has an accent. Oh he has to love theatre, even better if he can sing and dance, but my ideal man also needs to be very manly and be able to take out a gang of thieves”……..

”Unfortunately dear Hugh Jackman is already taken and the only other guy I know who fits this description is gay and married to his partner”. “OK then well how about a man who looks like Blake Carrington from Dynasty, is 95 and has more money than god?”

Ha ha yes right but what about men and their ideal partner?

“I want a woman who makes me laugh, doesn’t ask me to go shopping, has a gym fit body, doesn’t speak when the footie is on, and doesn’t expect me to analyse everything like she does with her girlfriends”.

It’s astonishing how stereotypical this humour may sound, but when it comes to romance and finding that ideal partner it is in fact something that can get in the way.

Having a total fixation over looks and personality traits closes us off to the bigger realms of possibility. The best kind of love or connection is the type that can creep up on you when you least expect it. It’s exactly why professional matchmaking is de rigueur in 2015. There’s definitely a thing called chemistry or spark, but do we ever stop to think about that even with new friendships we make or people we meet; they can grow on you. But its making you realise what possibilities are out there… aside from your expectations of looks and overall ‘perfect’ appearance.

This is why a professional matchmaker will begin to introduce you to people who are a match for your personality, ideals, aspirations and social circumstances so that the likelihood of a match is massively increased. We could be looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong people while real love is passing us by. Ideal is defined as “satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable” or more realistically; “existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality”. That doesn’t mean your ideal man or woman is not out there for you, it’s just that what is ideal for you may not be what you imagine.