Look no further – I am your personal guide to a Maclynn Singles’ Mixer. I will explain what to wear, what typically happens on the night, if you can come alone or bring a friend, what things to talk to other singles about, how to compose yourself, if Maclynn employees will be there, etc. So, let’s begin!

What do I wear?

A singles’ mixer can almost be seen as ‘speed dating’ or a ‘blind date’ in the way of you don’t know who will be there or if you will hit it off with anyone. Therefore, you want your outfit to boost your confidence and make a great impression on potential suitors. As our events are typically held on weeknights, most guests come straight from work and are wearing their work clothes; business casual, smart, trousers, suits, dresses, heels, etc. I would not recommend wearing ripped jeans and a t-shirt with flip-flops for example, but rather something that looks put-together, polished, and professional. Examples include: shirt and trousers, a nice blouse and a skirt, a dress (maxi or midi), heels, loafers, nice sandals, smart shoes.

Do I come alone?

While you’re welcome to bring a friend, we strongly recommend that you come alone. In our experience that those who come alone get more out of the event. What we want to avoid is for you to spend the evening with a friend you’re familiar with and miss out on meeting new people. We encourage everyone to mingle with as many individuals as they can to get exposure to different personalities and see if there is potentially a spark with someone. It is unfair for one person to be cornered all night if there are other suitors wishing to speak with them.

What do I talk about?

We know it can be nerve-wracking to think about small talk topics before entering a busy room with strangers, but luckily you aren’t entirely left to your own devices! We may have an interactive activity available for those who wish to partake that may take some of the pressure off. For example, we may have a game where the person who speaks to the most individuals on the night receives a prize as they were the ‘#1 Mingler’. Besides this, conversation ideas include but are not limited to: your career (what interests you, if and why you are passionate about it – don’t forget to ask your counterpart as well!), your hobbies and interests (maybe you will have something in common!), a bit about your background (where you were raised, where you went to university, what you studied, how you’ve ended up where you are now). We advise not going too deep too quickly as that can be a red flag to some people. Rather, keep the conversation light, interesting, and most importantly – don’t forget to ask other people questions too! You want to get to know people.

Will the Maclynn Team be there?

Yes, the Maclynn team – Matchmakers, Senior Matchmakers, Open Membership Manager & Management – will all be in attendance and floating around the room. If you need some advice or a pep talk, we are more than happy to speak with you and provide as much as we can. If you feel overwhelmed or like the night is not turning out as you had planned, we are willing to have a chat with you and think of ways to turn your experience around. We want all our guests to enjoy themselves, get to know some of our team, and have a better understanding of what we do at Maclynn.

Most importantly – have fun!

The events and mixers that Maclynn hosts for Private and Open Members are designed for people in our network to get to know one other in a more intimate setting and provide an opportunity for individuals to meet organically. Our goal is for our clients to enjoy themselves, meet more of the Maclynn team, and leave feeling as though they had a great time meeting other elite, like-minded singles – who knows, maybe sparks will fly at one of our mixers?

Would you like to attend one of our singles’ events? Join our mailing list to be the first to know what we have in store!