If you are struggling to get a positive response from your dating profile, it may be your photos that are holding you back. Follow these three rules for a more successful response.

  1. Don’t cover your face

Your potential dates want to see as much of you as possible, so don’t use a photo of yourself hiding behind a hat or sunglasses. Whether you are online dating or using a personal matchmaker, you will get a slower response from matches if they feel like they can’t see the whole of your face.

When they have to ask for more photographs so they can properly see you, what you have inadvertently done is create an obstacle at the start. Ladies that wear makeup, try and keep it natural. Men are much more responsive to a natural look rather than dark smoky eyes and bright lips.

  1. Show your natural smile

Research has shown that a photo with a real, genuine smile attracts people more because it shows true happiness. When I am matching clients I find that I get a far more positive response from photographs of people smiling as opposed to pouting or serious corporate shots. So, when choosing a picture for your dating profile, try finding one of you laughing naturally, rather than from your last corporate photoshoot at work.

  1. Avoid group shots

Group shots are a red flag for dating profiles. Firstly, your potential date has to work out which one is you, and no one likes a guessing game and another obstacle! Once they have found you, the photo can often be unclear, especially if it has been taken in bad lighting or from too far away. Save group shots for your social media and keep your dating pictures to just you.

Let yourself shine through

In summary, your dating life and finding a potential partner is about you, so let ‘you’ shine through. Some photos might seem flattering to you but might not show off your personality. Ask the opinion of someone close who will tell you honestly if they think a picture you’re thinking of is a winner.

Maybe the amateur collection of pictures you have just don’t seem right, then it’s time to get some professional help with a professional photographer who can really make you shine and capture some natural and engaging shots that will really get you attention.

Beyond swiping with Maclynn

No matter how you try, it can all seem in vain with online dating and dating apps. Partnering with an exclusive dating agency like Maclynn can refocus your approach, leading to greater success and fulfilment. Our experts can support you with a range of services, from private matchmaking to date coaching. Reach out today to find out more.