If you’ve worked hard to get somewhere with a career then easing off the pedal is not really an option. With personal development reviews, cut backs or expansion, the corporate dynamic is changing daily and it takes concentration to get to the top and to stay there. You can’t afford to lose focus or the boss will think you’re not on your game. There’s always someone else vying for opportunity who may overtake you if you’re not concentrating.

So what happens when in the middle of all this corporate success cupid shoots an arrow during your summer vacation and bam there’s your dream floating on the other side of a glass full of ice and tropically inspired alcohol smiling out at you from a tanned face?

Staying connected

For a few dizzying days of giddy romance the blackberry, iphone and laptop buzz merrily away entertaining themselves while you float on a cloud of heart pounding heaven ignoring the digital watering.

All those digital appliances are gasping for your attention when you land with a giant thud back in the work pen and everything requires a re-think. This romance has legs quite literally and now serious attention, conversation and negotiation is required with yourself and each other if this wonderful moment is going to be given a chance to thrive and grow.

Creating work-love balance

It can be done! Some women say you can have it all, executive career and an ‘exclusive’ relationship, and the smart ones seem to make that a fact. Open clear communication about work expectations, texting, emails and messages is required to avoid annoyance, insecurity, and romantic failure. An exclusive relationship requires and deserves investment of time and energy just as much as careers do.

Head vs heart is a dangerous game, but you can both be winners if you are committed 100%/100% and not 50/50. After all you are both in this together so career accommodation by one and not the other is a recipe for festering resentment. It might mean working smarter, harder, and adjusting your usual modus operandi to give the exclusive relationship a chance. But an intelligent approach and concerted effort can bring results.

Date nights and weekend 1:1 time is just that. Don’t make it a threesome or foursome with Mr Laptop and Miss iPhone. Spend personal relationship time with one eye on your career isn’t going to work.

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