
They say money talks, but does it really when it comes to love?

Take some time to consider my dating advice if you want to avoid common pitfalls in strong relationships.

Money can definitely be a pressure point when it comes to romance. When you start to see a new person there may be a lot of questions that begin to spin through your mind, road blocking your way to a healthy relationship on either a subconscious or conscious level.

As a man you may feel like you can’t get involved with a woman seriously because your financial house is not exactly in order. Perhaps you feel you will not be ready for the next relationship until a more solid career path is established, you have a healthy bank balance, you move to the right part of town, and have some assets to call your own (other than your good looks).

Ladies may well feel exactly the same way, with that embarrassing private knowledge that you have 3 maxed out credit cards to your name! On the outside you appear to have quite the life, you look fabulous, share a flat in a lovely part of town, and are very well traveled. But you also have better juggling skills than a circus performer when it comes to keeping the cash flow stable.

Perhaps you are successful, but wondering where you sit  in the financial stratosphere in relation to who might be an equal match?

As a successful woman, you may worry that the success you’ve worked so hard for, and thoroughly deserve, might possibly be emasculating and intimidating to a successful man. Don’t worry. This is a natural reservation to have. It’s true that some partners may find your financial circumstances and successful career a little difficult to accept. But there are those perfect partners out there who will see beyond the financial aspects and be more interested in the person behind the job title and accompanying salary. Dating advice not to be ignored.

If you are comfortable but not necessarily wealthy as a man or a woman, do you worry that you might be perceived as a gold-digger if the object of your affection seems to have it all? There might be some added pressure of living in one of the most expensive cities in the world and wondering if you can keep up socially or even past date number 2. Is there always a need to impress? That really is the question. What we have to remember above all else is that you cannot put a price on real and genuine love. Dating advice or not, your personality, who you are, your kindness, your sense of humour, your outlook on life, and your charisma are completely and utterly priceless.

What makes you worthy is youhow unique you are, your genuine and honest approach to life.

These are things you cannot put a price on. You can have everything materially or nothing at all, but what are we without love?

In the end love is all we have and all we need, so cast your money thoughts aside and recognise your greatest asset, you.