Working woman2

In a nutshell, historically, men brought home the bacon and the women cooked it. However, much time has passed since the dark ages and thanks to the likes of the suffragettes, women are not only bringing home the bacon, they’re bringing steak home too.

It’s true that men still earn more than women, but with the gap between men and women’s earnings at its all-time low, men are increasingly finding themselves in the following scenario:

You’ve met an amazing woman but it soon becomes quite apparent that she earns more than you. Is this an ego-bruising deal breaker that you should walk away from? Or do you pursue and woo her despite of what your pay slips and CV says? What follows are some tips on how to date a breadwinning woman without it killing your confidence.

Focus on her, not her bank account

In the early stages of dating, the rules are the same whether you are dating someone who earns more or less than you – focus on the person, not what they earn. Find out about her hobbies and interests and what you have in common. It is these types of interactions that will indicate whether there is a future there and a conversation about money will have its time and place.

Treat her like a lady

Breadwinning women still want to be treated as women and the best bit is, money needn’t come into this at all. Some old fashioned chivalry goes a long way, so don’t hold back: compliment her, open the doors, offer your jacket if it’s nippy outside and send her flowers for no particular reason other than to just let her know you are thinking of her.

Manage your money

The right kind of successful breadwinning lady is less interested in how much money you have but far more interested in how you handle it. Do you live within your means? Do you put some aside for the future? If the answer is yes, then money is far less likely to become an issue.

Be creative

You don’t have to take her to dinner at the Ritz. Cooking for her over a candle lit dinner at home or surprising her with a picnic somewhere special will score you major brownie points.

Maintain your masculinity

Whether you are a breadwinning woman or not, all women like to feel protected and secure in a relationship and again, money need not come into it. Simple things like walking on the road side of the pavement to prevent her getting splashed when it’s raining and supporting her emotionally through difficult times, are important things that money simply cannot buy.

Just remember, that dating is ultimately about attraction not money. If the spark is there, you owe it to yourselves to get passed the initial ego-bruising and just go for it!