The Career Woman, Vs. the Dating Woman

  • Matchmaker's Comment

2 min read

The successful career woman can look very enticing from the outside.Confidence is incredibly sexy. Combined it with style and you have a winning formula.


The successful career woman can look very enticing from the outside. Confidence is incredibly sexy. When you combine it with style you have what appears to be the winning combination.

A woman who has the focus to educate herself and achieve the career she always wanted knows what she wants.

She’s a board room stand out armed with intelligence, tenacity, and a killer lipstick.

She’s the woman other women love to admire and quietly applaud. The clothes are impeccably selected, the look is chic, effortless, and beautifully executed.

Gorgeous hair, magnificently manicured, casual or formal she glides into a room and heads turn. Career Woman is the triple threat, she’s smashed the glass ceiling and makes the married men on the board flirt with admiration. But she’s single, and alone. Well not always alone…

There’s no shortage of men who think they have what it takes to take this Lamborghini on the road. But they usually crash at the first hard turn, because Career Woman forgot to turn into Dating Woman before the second martini. Her corporate programming has rendered her a little too sharp with the repartee and opinion, and she’s forgotten that she doesn’t need to use the dating arena as a place to own and control like it’s the office with softer lighting.

Men love a woman they have to chase, but if they manage to get Career Woman on a date,

A man wants to feel like a man – not a direct report!

This doesn’t mean Career Woman has to dumb herself down, but if you think you’re going to find love then you need to demonstrate a little vulnerability too.

There’s nothing sexier in a man or a woman than someone who is strong but able to be vulnerable and open. This does not mean going to the extreme, but you’re not on a job interview so it’s OK to be real and honest about how you feel about life, and that teetering at the top of the corporate ladder is not the ultimate in life success.

Absolutely be proud of what you’ve achieved, but a man needs to know he can offer something more. If you’re so completely fulfilled and totally independent alone, then where is the need? And can anyone ever fulfill it?

Career Woman, do yourself a favour and let Dating Woman take control from time to time. She’ll love you for it, and maybe he will too.


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About the Author

Rachel Vida MacLynn

Founder & CEO

In 2011, Rachel took a leap of faith. Following a series of serendipitous events, she founded Vida (now known as Maclynn) in London and never looked back. Rachel is a Chartered Member and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and holds a Master’s degree in Occupational Psychology. Her own values around integrity, delivering the highest standards, inclusion, and self-empowerment are at the core of Maclynn’s unique matchmaking model. Described by clients as calm, compassionate, warm and wise, she continues to be fully immersed in the business, working with a select number of VIP clients. In recent years, Rachel’s personal life has focused on raising her two young sons with her partner, Jamie. Rachel has also achieved her personal goals of running the New York Marathon and reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.

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